The ingredients required for making yogurt at home using a microwave are,
One and one third cups of non fat milk (dry) A cup full of 2% milk or whole milk One can of evaporated milk One third of a cup of plain yogurt
"How To Make Yogurt"
Measure four cups of dry milk and add water enough to make about two cups of milk. Stir the combination to dissolve the dry milk and pour it into a two quarter glass casserole. Follow by stirring the whole milk.
Set a climatic characteristic probe at 190 degrees and insert it into the centre of the combination and cook this on high. Stir the evaporated milk after removing the combination from the microwave and cool it to about 115 degrees.
Take a small amount of the milk combination and blend it into the yogurt. Then stir it into the milk. Next, you need to now cover this combination with a plastic wrap and cook it at 30% power at around 115 degrees in the microwave. During the 3 hours setting time, it is advisable to leave the yogurt inside the oven and check at every hour mark in order to ensure that the climatic characteristic is fixed at 115 degrees.
You can use the cook control highlight along with the climatic characteristic control highlight in order to make the oven keep the climatic characteristic at the set level whenever you reset it. In case it is not inherent for you to leave it inside the oven, then store it at a warm place and keep the climatic characteristic at 110-115 degrees. Keep checking and if it drops below 110 degrees then return to the microwave with probe set at 115 degrees. Continue this for about 3 hours for the yogurt to set and once that is done, stir it and ice it in the refrigerator.
If you like flavours for your yogurt then you can do the following,
1-2 table spoons of jam added to your yogurt
You can use half or one fourth of a cup of crushed fruit or even chopped fruit in your yogurt
Honey can also be used and about one tablespoon should be enough
How To Make Homemade Yogurt Using A Microwave